Laboratory for chemical residues control in food

Laboratory for chemical residues control in food, REZALIM, is dedicated to the analysis of organic compound from food. In this moment, in REZALIM, the type of samples which can be analyzed is quite wide due to the performing endowment existing in the laboratory.

Laborator de control al reziduurilor chimice in produse alimentare

REZALIM fulfils the client’s requirements and concerns about the continuous
quality improvement of its services!!!

REZALIM was founded in 2008 and has all the necessary resources to perform quality analyses in  best conditions to assure the reproducibility and accuracy of the results: acclimatized rooms, high quality reagents/materials and modern, performant equipments. The personnel is highly qualified due to the training courses carried out in prestigious national and international laboratories. The laboratory provides the test results in due time (in Result Reports), as compared with the legislation in force, at competitive prices.

REZALIM offers a grid of discounts, depending on the number of requested analysis and tests!!! Through its work regulations, REZALIM guarantees the confidentiality of the provided results, in respect to other clients.

REZALIM collaborates with numerous national and international providers that supply equipments, reagents and materials. Famous national and international institutions and firms have required chemical analyses for different sample types and all the contracts have been carried out in optimum conditions.

The stages for performing REZALIM analysis are the following:
1. The potential beneficiary sends a Request price offer for the analyses of interest (fax +40 264 420 667 or e-mail:;
2. After the Request price offer is examined by REZALIM, the beneficiary will receive a technical (indication of the methods/standards used in REZALIM for the analyses of interest) and financial offer, in due time: max. 2 days;
3. If the beneficiary accepts REZALIM’s offer, the latter will emit an order (fax +40 264 420 667 or e-mail: The order will contain the agreement /accept for the methods/standards that will be used in REZALIM for the analyses of interest;
4. The performing period for the requested analyses is 15 working days since receiving the sample/sampling;
5. REZALIM will emit the Test Report, in 2 original copies, that will contain the analysis results, the applied methods and measurement uncertainty. By request, to the Test Report one can attach Opinions and Interpretations of results;
6. The payment can be made either in cash or in ICIA’s bank account;
7. Note: if the beneficiary requests, a contract between the parties can be signed.


Sample type: food, water and soil.

  • Organic compound present naturally in food:
    • Carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, maltose, sucrose), liposoluble vitamins, hydrosoluble vitamins (thiamin, B1 ; pyridoxine, B6 ; riboflavin, B2 ; C vitamin), free fat acids;
  • Pollutants :
    • Environmental compounds: PAH;
    • Pesticides: organochlorurate pesticides, ditiocarbamats;
    • Hormones from water and food;
    • Antibiotics from food.
  • Additives:
    • Conservants: benzoic acid, sorbic acid;
    • Synthetic colorants;
    • Sweeteners: aspartame, saccharine.

PhD Dorina Simedru
Phone: 0264-420590, 0755-038707