by icia icia

Elaboration of an in situ remediation method for the heavy metal contaminated soil. Phytoextraction, a modern alternative based on the property of some hiperaccumulative plants to extract heavy metals existing as soil impurities at different depths.

OBJECTIVES Elaboration of an in situ remediation method for the heavy metal contaminated soil. Phytoextraction, a modern alternative based on the property of some hiperaccumulative plants to extract heavy metals existing as soil impurities at different depths.
  • Phytoextraction method of the heavy metals from soil;
  • Determination of some native species usable for phytoextraction;
  • Identification of the chelatising agents that lead to the raise of biodisponibility;
  • Evidentiation of the cellular level transformations due to heavy metal bioaccumulation;
  • Stress protein evidentiation and analysis;
  • Identification of different plant species, cultivable and adaptable to the natural conditions from our country and, at the same time, determination of the conditions and optimum concentrations of chelatising substances for raising bioaccumulation;
  • Scientific papers and communications.
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