Laboratory “Environment and Health”, having as activity object the realization and development of environmental technologies destined to prevent pollution and to rehabilitate the environmental factors, both natural and anthropic; elaboration of some modern methods for the assessment and monitoring of environmental factors (sol, air, water, vegetation, food); realization of analytical methods for the preservation and management of natural and artificial resources, and realization of modern methods for the food quality assessment. It is composed of:
- Laboratory “Environmental Factors”, LFM, for elaboration and development of some innovative processes for the environmental quality assessment and technologies development for the environmental restoration;
- Laboratory for GMO traces detection and food security, MODALIM, for elaboration and development of some innovative processes for the determination of the genetically modified organisms (GMOs), food quality and functional food. MODALIM provides support in all aspects regarding the analysis of food quality and features, animal or vegetable, from raw material to finished product;
- Laboratory for Food Chemical Residues control, REZALIM, for elaboration and development of some innovative processes for the determination of the chemical compounds naturally present in foods, pollutants (PAH, pesticides) and additives (preservatives, synthetic colorants and sweeteners);
- Laboratorul de Evaluare a microbiodiversitatii sub impactul schimbarilor globale (BIODIVERSA)