Elaboration of an algorithm and of some advanced models for drawing-up bioactive molecular structures in the cardiovascular and antiinflammatory drug class.
Environmentally fiendly anticorrosive SnO2-based nanocoatings, obtained through nanochemical technologies , NANOCOROZ
Technology elaboration for an anticorrosive, nanostructured, SnO2-based, ecologically tolerated coating, obtained through a modern, nonexpensive technique, for coating metallic supports of steel, aluminium or copper.
Rehabilitation of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soils Using Phytoextraction Methods , FITOREM
Elaboration of an in situ remediation method for the heavy metal contaminated soil. Phytoextraction, a modern alternative based on the property of some hiperaccumulative plants to extract heavy metals existing as soil impurities at different depths.
Portable Equipment for Analysis and Control of the Air Pollutants Resulted from Economic Activities , EPA
Design and realisation of a portable equipment for analysis and control of the air pollutants resulted from economic activities , homologated, destined to perform current analyses using in situ simple procedures with a reduced number of standardised reagents, analyses that are required by environmental protection labs, air quality analysis labs, Public Health Directions.
Arsenic underground water contamination in Western Romania : occurrence, influence on human health , CONTAS
Arsenic sources definition;
Defining the immobilization mechanisms in soils and superficial geological systems;
Study of the water dynamics, as main vector of the arsenic underground pollution;
Investigation of the mobilization processes and arsenic transfer from soil and rocks towards underground waters;
Modification of the Environmental Quality in the Aries Hydrographic Basin under the Influence of the Anthropic Factors , MONARES
Assessment of the quality modification of the Aries hydrographic basin under the influence of the anthropic factors, using a chemical and biological tackling.
Cancer risk assessment for populations chronically exposed to heavy metals , RISCANMET
establish the connexions between the heavy metals exposure of some population groups from Romania with the health state (morbidity) and the cancer risk.
Microbiological hood with vertical laminar flow, 2A class , HOFLAM
microbiological hood with vertical laminar flow, 2A class, homologated, transferred to the cofinancing beneficiary, destined to provide protection for user, environment and for the biological products processed against foreign particles and biological contamination.
Methods of fighting against and preventing the negative effects produced by microorganisms, especially in the subway network infrastructure , COPMET
Elaboration and realisation of methods which can lead to the prevention and destruction of microfungi and moulds specific to the subway network from Bucharest. The elaborated methods will be used in any space in which microorganisms like the microfungi and moulds identified in the subway network from Bucharest can develop.
Posibilities and limits of the urban transport ecologisation by using vegetal oil-based fuels , ECOTRANS
Introduction in the urban transport of the fuels obtained from vegetable oils, according to the EU regulations.