Project title: Polymer inclusion membranes for separation of metal ions in aqueous solutions with applications in passive sampling and water treatment
Acronym: METPIMS
Contract no: 1PED / 2025
Contracting Authority: Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI),
Program PN IV, Program 5.7 – Partnership for Innovation, Sub-program 5.7.1 – Partnerships for Competitiveness, Project type: Demonstration Experimental Project
The project aims to develop, test, and validate new types of polymer inclusion membranes (PIMs) for applications in passive sampling for several metals from water, in order to improve the performance parameters of spectrometric analytical methods, and to remove metals from contaminated water. The project starts at the TRL2 level with the existing formulated proof of concept, namely coupling passive sampling with spectrometric techniques and methodologies for metals removal from water, with the goal of reaching the TRL4 level by validating new passive samplers and new methodologies at laboratory scale. The project includes 3 work packages (WPs), it has a duration of 24 months, and it is carried out in partnership with the Research Institute for Analytical Instrumentation (ICIA) Cluj-Napoca and the industrial partner SC ICPE Bistrita SA. WP1 is intended to increase the technical maturity of PIMs synthesis at the TRL3 level; WP2 aims to enhance the technological maturity of PIMs-based passive samplers and PIMs as water treatment tools at the TRL3 level, while WP3 seeks to develop the new products and methodologies at laboratory level TRL4 by laboratory validation. The utility and capability will be presented to potential users through a practical demonstration. The results will be disseminated through 4 articles in WoS journals and participation in international conferences. A national patent application will be registered.
Project objective
The main objective of the METPIMS project is to develop, at TRL4, new PIMs and applications for metallic ions preconcentration, matrix separation and fractionation, and respectively, for water treatment.
Estimated results
- Revised documentation on the existing PIMs
- 6 new products (PIMs) and recipes for preparation
- Report on physicochemical and structural characterization of new PIMs
- New PIMs-based passive samplers
- Experiment and optimization report on PIMs-based passive samplers
- Experiment and optimization report on PIMs for metal ions separation from water
- Validation report on PIMs-based passive samplers for CRMs and real water samples
- Validation report on PIMs for metals separation from contaminated water
- Demonstration report on METPIMS system capability and functionality
- Technical documentation for functional model and transfer report
- 4 articles in WoS indexed journals with IF>3 and 4 communications at conferences
- 1 national patent application
Project start: 03/01/2025
Project end: 31/12/2026
Project duration: 24 months
P1 – I.C.P.E. Bistrita S.A.
Membrii echipa de proiect:
CO – INCDO-INOE 2000, Filiala ICIA Cluj-Napoca
- Senila Marin – project coordinator
- Cadar Oana
- Senila Lacrimioara
- Todor-Boer Otto
- Kovacs Eniko
- Angyus Bogdan Simion
P1 – I.C.P.E. Bistrita S.A.
- Ignat Maria Daniela – team leader P1
- Ulinici Sorin
- Baisan Gabriela
- Stoica Alin
- Costin Vasile
- Coprean Leontina
Public budget: 750.000,00 RON
Own contribution: 47.500,00 RON
Total project budget: 797.500,00 RON
Project coordinator
Senior Researcher I Dr. Marin Senila
Str. Donath nr. 67, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Tel/Fax: +40 264 420590 / +40 264 667