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studies, analyses and documentation for the methodology elaboration;
elaborating a methodology for the monitoring of food supplements starting with the raw materials and ending with the product;
experimenting the methodology;

  • studies, analyses and documentation for the methodology elaboration;
    elaborating a methodology for the monitoring of food supplements starting with the raw materials and ending with the product;
    experimenting the methodology;
  • creating an unitary database which will contain information needed to establish an quality management system of food supplements useful both on governmental level and for industry;
  • dissemination of results: scientific papers, scientific communications, web pages, workshop.
DESCRIPTION             World wide, in developed countries, balanced nutrition, health care and disease prevention are of main concern. In the frame of the efforts made in order to ensure the closeness to the European legislation, on the basis of the “from farm to fork” concept, all those involved, respectively the keyboarders with activity in the foodstuff domain must assure the security and the quality of the food supplements.
An increasing number of people, interested in the maintaining and amelioration of health , use food supplements. Up-to-date studies estimate that, in economically developed countries, more than 30% of the population uses daily, different forms of food supplements without benefiting by a scientific background. The fundament of preventive medicine is a healthy feed. The USA and the developed European countries emphasize on prevention, considering the high medical care cost for the pacinet and the state, as well. In Europe, the release of the 46/2002 Layout with reference to the food supplements, opened the possiblility of the show-downs regarding “the pan-EU acceptance” of the definiton and requirements of health, of the rules regarding the labeling and the legitimization of rules regarding traditionl officinal plants.
For several years the use of food supplements is more and more important in our country too. Literature data show that the use of these supplements increased with more then 50% in the last 10 years. As a consequence many new producers more or less qualified appeared on the market. If in the 90’ only a few import products existed on the market, nowadays numerous inland companies produce food supplements considering that the production conditions are less severe than in the production of medicines.
The project “SUPLIMET” has as general aim the elaboration and the achievement of a modern and complex methodology for the monitoring of the quality of food supplements starting with the raw materials and ending with the product and for the evaluation of their antioxidant character, as well in order to protect the consumers against the false pretence practices of products that do not follow the legal rules regarding their health and safety.
  • a complex study regarding the integration of the measures for the quality control of food supplements in order to prevent illness and health maintenance;
  • evaluation of active principles (vitamins, amino-acids, micro-elements, antioxidants) and the antioxidant character of the food supplements and its conservation during the processing of the raw materials using modern analytical techniques, such as: gas and liquid chromatography hyphenated with mass spectrometry (GC-MS, LC-MS), high performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC), spetrophotometric methods and paramagnetic resonance (EPR).
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