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Studies have demonstrated that biological effects are not related to the total concentration of a contaminant in the environment. Biological responses of organisms have been shown to be related to the concentration of labile metal species in environment and, at international level is expressed the need to evaluate risk of exposure to toxic metals in terms of their bioavailability.

OBJECTIVES Overall objective: The development and validation of methods for study metals bioavailability in soils and sediments using Diffusively Gradients in Thin-films technique and correlation with traditionally applied methods based on chemical extraction and accumulation in biota.

Specific objectives:

  • development and validation of DGT and other chemical extraction techniques for assessment of metals bioavailability in soil and sediments through collaborative studies;
  • development and validation of spectrometric techniques used in metals measurements (ICP-OES, ICP-MS, LA-ICP-MS);
  • applying of methods in a case study, in a polluted mining area, and making correlations between metals bioavailability in soil and the metals accumulated in fungi or plants grown on polluted soils;
  • results dissemination by common scientific papers;
  • preparation of joint international projects, to be submitted to EU-FP7 or other European programs and initiatives.
DESCRIPTION Studies have demonstrated that biological effects are not related to the total concentration of a contaminant in the environment. Biological responses of organisms have been shown to be related to the concentration of labile metal species in environment and, at international level is expressed the need to evaluate risk of exposure to toxic metals in terms of their bioavailability.
Even if various methods for bioavailability are presented in literature, no generally accepted method was established, and thus the development and validation of methods especially for the field trials is of a great interest. Through the present project it is proposed a comparative study of effectiveness of different techniques for assessment of metals bioavailability in soils and sediment, and to correlate the potentially bioavailable metals with the bioaccumulation in plants and fungi.
The BIOMET project proposes the development and validation of methods for the study of metal mobility and bioavailability in soils and sediments by joint research efforts of Romanian and Slovak researchers.
  • validated methods for extraction of bioavailable fraction of metals;
  • validated spectrometric techniques used for metals determination in soil and sediments extracts;
  • bioavailable fraction of metals assessed in soils and sediments from polluted areas;
  • correlations between metals bioavailability assessed by chemical methods with metals bioaccumulation in plants;
  • results disseminated by scientific papers and conference presentations;
  • draft of proposal of joint international projects.
Stage I
  • validated methods for extraction of bioavailable fraction of metals;
  • validated spectrometric techniques used for metals determination in soil and sediments extracts;
  • scientific paper accepted at the Conference: Analysis in geology and in environment, Spisska Nova Ves, Slovenia, 13- 15.11.2013, entitled: EVALUATION OF MERCURY BIOAVAILABILITY IN SOIL SAMPLES USING DGT AND TD-AAS TECHNIQUES, authors: Marin Senila, Mirela Miclean, Lacrimioara Senila, Martin Urik, Peter Matus.

Stage II

  • Report on experimental conditions for using DGT technique and chemical extractions;
  • Experimentation and validation reports for DGT and chemical extractions;
  • 12 communications at international conferences;
  • Trained personnel;
  • Report on total and bioavailable metals fractions in soil and sediments and metals accumulated by plants;
  • Draft for international project proposal;
  • Technical and economic report.

Communications at International Conferences:

  1. ASSESSMENT OF ALUMINIUM BIOLEACHING BY THE FILAMENTOUS FUNGUS USING FLAME ATOMIC ABSORPTION SPECTROMETRY, autori: Ivana Pifková, Martin Urík, Marek Bujdoš, Barbora Milová, Mirela Miclean, Marin Senila, Peter Matúš, 15th Czech-Slovak Spectroscopic Conference, 16-21 Martie 2014, Parga, Republica Ceha, Conference Proceeding, pag. 199
  2. SPECTROCHEMICAL DETERMINATION OF MERCURY IN SELECTED PLANT SPECIES AND SOIL FROM CONTAMINED LOCALITY RUDŇANY-STOŽKY (SLOVAKIA), autori: Michal Hlodák, Martin Urík, Lucia Kořenková, Mirela Miclean, Marin Senila, Peter Matúš, 15th Czech-Slovak Spectroscopic Conference, 16-21 Martie 2014, Parga, Republica Ceha, Conference Proceeding, pag. 200
  3. Ortuť v pôdach a rastlinách v antropogénne kontaminovanej oblasti (Rudňany-Poráč), Michal Hlodák, Martin Urík, Peter Matúš, Lucia Kořenková, Marin Senila, Marek Bujdoš, Ingrid Hagarová, ENVIRONMENTALISTIKA, PRIF 2014, 9.04.2014, Conference Proceeding, pag. 1592 – 1597
  4. Biolúhovanie antimónu z oxyhydroxidov železa prostredníctvom mikroskopickej vláknitej huby Aspergillus niger, autori: Barbora Milová, Martin Urík, Marek Bujdoš, Marin Senila, Peter Matúš, ENVIRONMENTALISTIKA, PRIF 2014, 9.04.2014, Conference Proceeding, pag. 1643 – 1648
  5. Lúhovanie hliníka druhmi Aspergillus clavatus a A. niger, autori: Barbora Milová, Ivana Pifková, Martin Urík, Marek Bujdoš, Marin Senila, Lacrimioara Senila, Eva Duborská, Jana Dudová, Peter Matúš, ENVIRONMENTALISTIKA, PRIF 2014, 9.04.2014, Conference Proceeding, pag. 1649 – 1654
  6. Štúdium bioakumulácie, fytotoxicity a predpoveď mobility a fytoprístupnosti ortuti pomocou aplikácie jednoduchej extrakčnej metódy (0,11 M kyselina octová) v systéme pôda-rastlina (Hordeum vulgare L.)., Hlodák, M., Urík, M., Matúš, P., Bujdoš, M., Hagarová, I., Boriová, K., Senila M., Študentská vedecká konferencia PriF UK 2013. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského, 1599-1604.
  7. Špeciačná analýza, frakcionácia a stanovenie tália vo vodách a pôdach. In: Analytické metódy a zdravie človeka, Matúš, P., Medveď, J., Kališ, M., Bujdoš, M., Hagarová, I., Urík, M., Senila, M., Kubová, J., Bratislava: Slovenská vákuová spoločnosť, 108-109
  8. Mechanizmy mikrobiálneho lúhovania tuhých fáz. In: Analytika v geológii a v životnom prostredí, Pifková, I., Urík, M., Kolenčík, M., Senila, M., Senila, L., Bratislava: Štátny geologický ústav Dionýza Štúra, 123-126
  9. Stanovenie tália vo vodách, pôdach a biomase s využitím ET AAS. In: Analytika v geológii a v životnom prostredí, Matúš, P., Medveď, J., Bujdoš, M., Hagarová, I., Urík, M., Kališ, M., Senila, M., Kubová, J., Bratislava: Štátny geologický ústav Dionýza Štúra, 73-78
  10. Analytická geochémia ortuti v systéme pôda-rastlina, Hlodák, M., Urík, M., Matúš, P., Bujdoš, M., Hagarová, I., Senila, M., Speciační analýza 2013. Brno : Spektroskopická společnost Jana Marka Marci, 10
  11. Využitie nanočasticových oxidov v špeciačnej analýze a frakcionácii vybraných prvkov, Hagarová, I., Urík, M., Bujdoš, M., Čanecká, L., Boriová, K., Pifková, I., Littera, P., Kořenková, L., Mikušová, P., Diviš, P., Senila, M., Matúš, P., Miglierini, M., Kubová, J., Speciační analýza 2013. Brno : Spektroskopická společnost Jana Marka Marci, 21-23
  12. Microbial Accumulation of Selenium (IV) and Aluminium (III) Bioleached from Various Natural Materials in Presence of Humic, Urík, M., Pifková, I., Gardošová, K., Bujdoš, M., Matúš, P., Kořenková, L., Senila, M., The 21st International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry, Huazhong Agricultural University: Wuhan, 5.
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