by icia icia

Multi-element analysis of apples, pears and corresponding leaves and blossom leaves as indicators for yield and sites of origin, as well as contributions to human nutrition, APLON

The polyphenols and metals from fruits have an important role in maintaining a good function of the organism. The benefic or negative role of these compounds on the organism is given by the concentration level in which they are found in fruits. The concentration level is strongly influenced by the cultivation area, grower, the pollution level in the area, environmental factors and other less important factors.

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by icia icia

Assessment of metals bioavailability in soils and sediments using Diffusive Gradients in Thin-films technique, chemical extractions and biological methods , BIOMET

Studies have demonstrated that biological effects are not related to the total concentration of a contaminant in the environment. Biological responses of organisms have been shown to be related to the concentration of labile metal species in environment and, at international level is expressed the need to evaluate risk of exposure to toxic metals in terms of their bioavailability.

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by icia icia

Metal solubility responses in the rhizosphere of metal hyperaccumulator and non-accumulator plants grown to various pollutant levels in soil , MERLIN

The MERLIN project proposes the study of metal mobilisation/immobilization mechanisms of hyperaccumulator and non-accumulator plants grown on soils with different metal pollution levels by joint research efforts of Romanian and Austrian researchers. The necessity for the project accomplishment is determined by the existence of nearly 3 million potentially polluted sites in Europe that need remediation, thus the better understanding of the processes from the soil-plant interface represent an important step in the development of practicable phytoremediation technologies.

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