by icia icia

Biochemical, neurocognitive and neuroimaging markers present at genetic high risk populations for psychosis and at first episode of psychosis, FENOGEN

developing strategies for early detection, diagnosis and monitoring of people with high risk of psychotic episode;
these strategies facilitate, at first psychotic episode, the prevention of psychosis expression by attenuating its impact, increasing the life quality of people affected, family, community, reducing morbidity, mortality, direct costs but especially the indirect costs involving these diseases and their long evolution.

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by icia icia

Interdisciplinary studies on the influence of risk factors on osteoporosis. creation of risk maps, INFOSTEO

the development of innovative techniques for the application of modern non-invasive diagnostic imaging techniques, with a view to transferring results from research to clinical practice;
the development of clinical applications of non-invasive highly-technical methods, which will allow an increased diagnostic accuracy and will reduce the duration and cost of diagnosis, by non-invasive techniques.

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by icia icia

Optimization of early diagnosis and treatment of malignant biliary stenosis using intraductal ultrasonography with miniprobe techniques and photodynamic therapy neoadjuvant microrray, LASENDO

prospective evaluation of the intraductal echography accuracy in the diagnosis of malignant biliary stenosis;
evaluation of proangiogenic factors with role of tumor markers in the structural and functional genomics of malignant biliary stenosis by microarray technology and protein array type;
development and optimization of malignant biliary tumors treatment.

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by icia icia

Complex detection system for hormonal drugs and xenoestrogenic compounds, at nanoscale range, in water sources, MEDESTRO

obtaining new, modern, nonconventional methods for detecting low concentrations of the estrogen hormonal compounds, their metabolites and of some xenobiotic hormonomimetic compounds in water sources;
research study on the influence of different methods of water treatment upon the hormonal compounds with estrogenic action.

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by icia icia

The evaluation of the combined therapeutic effect of the calpaine inhibitors and of the vascular trophic factors in the traumatic medullary lesions, MEDPROT

the elaboration of a innovative treatment protocol in the traumatic medullary lesions, which should include calpaine inhibitors and angiogenesis factors, which promotes the survival of the neurons, oligodendrocytes and angiogenesis, resulting in functional recovery of traumatic medullary lesions;
the accomplishment of applicable experimental models for the study of synergic influences of calpaine inhibitors + vascular trophic factors;

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by icia icia

The urban mobility management and sustainable sollutions according with the social and economic demands in road traffic field , AMTRANS

optimizating the urban mobility, in condition of increases safety in areas of intense circulation in agreement with specific characteristics of vehicle dynamics who correspond exploitation in urban environment;
developing researches regarding the realization of applicable models for optimization and monitoring of the parking lots, as a permanent sources of traffic congestion and optimization of corridors for passenger urban transportation and a modality to discourage the individual displacement, who represent an acute problem in crowded centres.

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by icia icia

Modeling of the heavy metals impact on aquifers by complex study of groundwater fauna and monitoring in GRID, MODEL-ACVASUB

multi-proxy, geological, hydrological, water chemistry (heavy metals, organic pollutants and micropollutants) and faunistic studies and their integration in an unitary evaluation system;
estimating the pollution degree of the aquifer waters and sediments in time and space, which will be performed after the integration of the obtained data by the interpretation of the laboratory data;

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