Contract no: 52 / 2018
Integrated eco-technology for a selective recovery of base and precious metals in Cu and Pb mining by-products
4 – Eco-nano-technologies and advanced materials
Contracting authority
Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI)

Participating institutions
- BRGM (France) – Coordinator

- National R&D Institute for Nonferrous and rare Metals (Romania)

- National R&D Institute in Optoelectronics INOE 2000 (Romania)

- Eskisehir Osmangazi University (Turkey)

- Romaltyn Mining SRL (Romania)

- Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)

- Team Group Metals (Poland)

- AJELIS (France)

The MINTECO project aims to develop an integrated innovative, efficient and ecological technology for the recovery of base (Cu, Pb, Zn) and precious (Au, Ag) metals from Cu and Pb bearing mining waste (CLBM). The project will allow the establishing of a global management methodology to treat historical mining sites and to reduce disposed volumes of metal-bearing waste. The MINTECO project will be tested on a selected case study on CLMB (3 mining sites identified in Romania, Poland and Turkey) by using pre-concentration methods (mineral processing) to separate non-useful compounds contained in the coarse fractions followed by leaching of concentrated fractions to dissolve all targeted metals and their recovery by innovative techniques (using dedicated synthesized organic molecules, thiosulfates and ionic liquids). The main steps (pre-concentration/ leaching/ high grade metal recovery) will be studied in detail by research institutes to optimize first relevant process sequences. Then, a global coherent flowsheet will be proposed and the developed technologies will be subsequently validated by the industrial partners (SMEs) in the project at TR>4. Also, a final economic and environmental assessment will be performed. The consortium gathers 8 partners from 4 countries (France, Romania, Poland and Turkey) and is composed of 3 research institutes,1 university, 1 public institution and 3 SMEs with complementary expertise.
Project objective
The global objective of the MINTECO project is the development of an integrated innovative, efficient and ecological technology for the recovery of base and precious metals from copper and lead bearing mining wastes. The project will allow the establishing of a management strategy to treat and reduce disposed volumes of high metal content waste and plans to contribute to the reduction of Europe’s dependence on raw material imports. Also, the project targets the reduction of polluted emissions to air, soil, and water.
Estimated results
- Report on waste characterization.
- Methods selected for selective extraction of Au and Ag from waste.
- Experimental results on Au and Ag selective extraction method.
- Experimental results on Au and Ag electrochemical separation method.
- Separation and recovery procedure for Au and Ag.
- Laboratory technology project for Au and Ag recovery.
- Environmental impact study of Au and Ag recovery technology.
- Communication – international conference.
- Optimized Au and Ag separation and recovery method.
- Laboratory technology for Au and Ag recovery.
- Cost-benefit analysis of the recovery technology.
- Article (sent for publication).
- Communication (international conference).
- Assessment study on the recovery technology.
- Minute of consortium meetings.
Project start 01/05/2018
Project end 31/10/2021
Project duration: 42 months
Number of involved institutions (Romanian): 3
National funds 321085,00 RON
Co-financing 0,00 RON
EC funds: 88217,00 RON
Total project budget: 409502,00 RON
STAGE 1 (2018).
A1.1 Characterization of meatal-bearing mining wastes
A1.2 Assessment of selective extraction methods for Au and Ag
A1.3 Consortium meetings
- Representative meatal-bearing mining wastes from Baia-Mare mining site
- Composition of wastes
- Method for Au şi Ag extraction
- Minute of Kick-off meeting
- Minute of Conf-Call November 2018
- 1 published paper
- 1 conference presentation
- Project web page
Paper: Emilia Neag, Maria-Alexandra Hoaghia, Anamaria Török, Erika Levei, Marin Șenilă, Cecilia Roman, Study of metals leaching from nonferrous mine tailings in organic and inorganic extractants, International Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Systems, ISSN: 2367-9042, Volume 3, 2018, pag. 42-49
Conference: Emilia Neag, Maria-Alexandra Hoaghia, Anamaria Török, Erika Levei, Marin Șenilă, Cecilia Roman, Study of metals leaching from nonferrous mine tailings in organic and inorganic extractants, ISMAEDEH ’18, 6th International Conference on Integrated Systems and Management for Energy, Development, Environment and Health, Rome, Italy, November 23-25, 2018
Stage 2 (2019)
A2.1. Experiments for Au and Ag selective extraction
A2.2. Electrochemical tests for Au and Ag selective extraction
A2.3. Tests for Au and Ag separation and recovery
A2.4. Lab scale technology for Au and Ag recovery –flowchart
A2.5. Assessment of the technology impact on the environment
A2.6. Results dissemination. Consortium meetings.
- Report (stage 2)
- Procedure for the recovery of Au and Ag from tailings
- Flowsheet of the lab scale technology for the recovery of Au and Ag from tailings
- Minute of the Progress meeting (Krakow, Poland, 26-27 March 2019)
- Minute of the Conf Call 19 September 2019
- 2 conference presentations
Stage 3 (2020)
A3.1. Optimization of the Au and Ag separation and recovery method.
A3.2. Lab-scale technology for the Au and Ag recovery
A3.3. Assessment of the costs and benefits of the lab-scale technology for the Au and Ag recovery
A3.4. Results dissemination. Consortium meetings.
- Report (stage 3)
- Optimized Au and Ag separation and recovery method
- Lab-scale technology for the Au and Ag recovery
- Report on the costs and benefits of the lab-scale technology for the Au and Ag recovery
- Meeting minutes (11.02.2020, 03.06.2020, 09.11.2020)
- 1 conference presentation
- 1 book chapter
Participation at scietific events
- E. Levei, C. Varaticeanu, E. Neag, M. Bizo, M. Ghiță, F. Bodénan, Recovery of gold and silver from mining tails by ammonium thiosulphate leaching, 2nd International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Materials Engineering, 6-8 November 2019, Bucharest, Romania- poster
- J. Bodin, N. Menad, F. Bodénan, E. Levei, M. Bizo, M. Ghita, Evaluation of mineral processing techniques to concentrate metals (Pb, Zn, Cu, Au) in mining residues at Baia Mare, Romania, 2nd International Conference Mines of the future, 12-14 June 2019, Aarhen, Germany – poster
- Ghita Mihai, Bodenan Francoise, Levei Erika A., Kulczycka Johanna, Muammer Kaya, Shilova Ekaterina, Bizo Mircia, Development of efficient laboratory technologies for selective recovery of base and precious metals from Cu and Pb mining by-products, 4th edition of Research and Innovation Fair, UGAL INVENT 2017, Dunărea de Jos” University, 16-18 OCT 2019 Galaţi, Romania
- Erika Andrea Levei, Cerasel Varaticeanu, Emilia Neag, Simion Bogdan Angyus, Jack Goldstein, Rozica Osanu, Mircia Bizo, Mihai Ghita, Francoise Bodenan, Eco-friendly technology for gold recovery from Cu and Pb bearing mining waste, 3rd International Conference On Emerging Technologies In Materials Engineering EmergeMAT, 29-30 Octombrie, Bucuresti, Romania – poster
Book chapter
- Emilia Neag, Eniko Kovacs, Zamfira Dinca, Anamaria Iulia Török, Cerasel Varaticeanu and Erika Andrea Levei, Hydrometallurgical recovery of gold from mining wastes, in Solid Waste Management, Ed. Hosam El-Din Saleh, IntechOpen, London, UK, 2020, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.94597.
Stage 4 (2021)
- A4.1. Comparative assessment of the technology for Au and Ag recovery using ammonium thiosulphate with other technologies.
- A4.2. Results dissemination. Consortium meetings.
- Report (stage 4)
- Study of the technology for Au and Ag recovery using ammonium thiosulphate in comparison with other technologies
- Sudiu cu privire la evaluarea comparativa a tehnologiei de recuperare a Au si Ag folosind extractia in tiosulfat de amoniu in prezenta aminei cuprice cu alte tehnologii similare
- Webinar flyer
- Meeting minutes (12.03.2021, 16-17.09.2021)
- 1 paper published in WoS indexed journal
- 1 conference presentation
- Papers in journals indexed in WoS:
- Emilia Neag, Anamaria Iulia Török, Zamfira Dincă, Marin Senila, Cerasel Varaticeanu, Erika Andrea Levei, Ekaterina Shilova, Francoise Bodenan, Optimization of gold sorption from ammoniacal thiosulphate solution (2021), STUDIA UBB CHEMIA, LXVI, 2, 151-161
- Participation at scietific events
- Johanna Kulczycka, Ewa Dziobek, Lukasz Lelek, Erika-Andrea Levei (2021) The benefits of recovering metals from mining waste. Case of Romania, Online conference: Young Researchers’ Innovative Ideas: Science| Start-Ups| Industry, Krakow, Poland (27-28 May 2021)
Project manager
CSI Dr. Erika Levei
Str. Donath nr. 67, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Tel/Fax: +40 264 420590 / +40 264 420667