by icia icia

Intelligent and active diagnosis and prediction of buildings endowed with resistance structure in complex polluted environment, DIRECTOR

study of accelerated degradation issue by corrosion aroused by electrical stray current appearing as effect of transport/distribution/utilization of electrical energy and the BA;
experimental laboratory and in situ data acquisition (case analysis);
building an active knowledge and data necessary to diagnose the current degradation state;

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by icia icia

Development of the Laboratory of control of chemical residues in food for the integration in European net, REZALIM-138/CPI/19.09.2007

development of the research capacities of ICIA by the development of the Laboratory of food quality control with a new component: the control of the chemical residues in food products;
diversification of the research activity and the rising of the capacity to access the European funds.

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by icia icia

Non-alcoholic fatty liver, viral C hepatitis and gallstone disease – components of the metabolic syndrome. Clinical epidemiology, pathogenesis, non-invasive diagnosis, FINALISM

The assessment of NAFLD and GD prevalence and risk factors in a large group of the population (about 10,000 subjects) – represented by hospital population coming from a large geographic area covering many counties from Transylvania – and evaluation of their belonging to the MS;

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by icia icia

Development of modern methods for assessing estrogenic compounds and heavy metals in the food chain at nanoscale ,

The purpose of this project: (i) a comprehensive study and development of new methods for rapid and sensitive analysis in order to determine estrogenic contaminants and heavy metals in food chain, at nanoscale, by using modern chromatographic and spectrometric techniques. It will be develop new analysis techniques for: PCB congeners, PAH, DDT, DDE, Dieldrin, phthalic esters, heavy metals;

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by icia icia

Strategic approach concerning the valorification of production potential and biofuels use and directions for biomass development and use, MEF NR. 39/2007

elaboration of an strategy on the implementation for biofuels on the Romanian market in order to promote the use of biofuels and other renewable biofuels for transport and agricultural mechanization specific fields;
a plain regarding the biomass in order to promote the biomass for energy generation in accord with the assignments for Romania through the assumption of community aquis.

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by icia icia

Modern, non-conventional method for microbial depollution of phenolic waste-water, to consolidate the biologic diversity, DEFENOL

DEFENOL aims the scientific substantiation and the development of a modern, non-conventional technology to reconstruct and consolidate the biological and ecological diversity.

The project approaches:

Methods and techniques for detecting, at nanoscale level, the phenolic compounds from different water sources;
The action of various microorganisms in the remediation of phenolic waters;

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